Businesses ideal situation is a constant stream on customers and clients flowing in; biggest question: HOW?

Active marketing is something that mostly is not all business are involved in, Running ads, campaigns, having discount sales and also different kind of events. Branding is the capitalization of the name and operation of the company, but how do you capitalize the market presence of your company?

Businesses are now hiring teams to set up and put in place the well structured operating funnel that direct a flow of clients towards the company. Many teams fail to create the funnel. Many manage to do it so well that it increases the revenue of the company up to 50 times. Yes, 50 times!! But what’s the difference? It all connect to the business model. That’s the internal factor. It also depends on the market situation in which the business is working. Considering it as the external factor.

If you want to learn about funnels and how they are set up, I will share a guide in one of my mails in future.

Stay tuned